Exploring Notary Procedures and Services

Reusable And Ecological Jewelry Packaging For Jewelry Designers

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As a jewelry designer, the final packaging of your handmade jewelry is almost as important as the jewelry that you design and create. Well-crafted jewelry packaging is often retained and reused by the jewelry buyer for long-time care and storage of the jewelry that they purchase. Here are some ecological and reusable packaging designs that invite the buyer to retain and reuse your jewelry packaging: Cotton Mesh Bags - Different sizes of cotton mesh bags with drawstring cords can be used to attractively package individual jewelry items. Read More»

Tips And Tricks To Get Used Office Desks To Sit At The Right Height For You

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Have you ever noticed how office furniture never seems to be high or low enough to suit you? Whether you find this comical or just plain frustrating, the fact remains that most office furniture is designed with the average person’s height in mind. If you are not of average height, but are petite or very tall, you may find it difficult to sit at your desk and conduct your work as usual. Read More»

3 Ways to Attract the Best Employment Candidates

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Top-notch products and services do not guarantee success. In business, your employees play a major role in how well your company does. If you are not recruiting the right candidates to your business, you need to revamp your recruiting efforts. Here are some steps you can take to make your business more attractive to better candidates.  1. Consult with an Executive Search Firm When hiring for high-level positions within your company, an executive search firm can make the process of recruiting better candidates go much more smoothly. Read More»

Maintaining Your New Faux Ivy Privacy Screen

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Congratulations on the purchase of your new faux ivy privacy screen, from a location like EZ-Ivy. With proper care and maintenance your ivy screen can provide many years of beauty and seclusion on your property. The following tips will help you maintain your screen. Use the Right Fence Because faux ivy privacy screens are not a standalone product and do not have the ability to stand upright on their own, an important part of maintaining your faux ivy screen is maintaining the fence that supports it. Read More»

Testing The Safety Features On Your Garage Door

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Your garage door comes with several safety features to prevent serious injury during the normal operation of the door or should something fail. These should be tested periodically to make sure they are working correctly. They are easy to test and something that you can do yourself. Here are the steps for testing these built-in safety mechanisms. Garage Door Spring Safety Cable The springs on your garage door are under high tension. Read More»